What Is The Purpose Of Black and Grey Bleaching Powders?

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There are different types of pigmented bleaching powders that achieve different shades of blonde. This ranging from from caramel to ice white depending on the strength of the bleach and hydrogen peroxide. Black and Grey bleaching powders are the most popular at the moment for those looking for cooler toned blonde shades. Black and Grey bleaching powders are extremely similar.

As they are both infused with similar technologies to create minimal damage and prevent breakage. A key ingredient used in both products would be charcoal do create this ashy tone after rinsing. It is not often you use a toner after these bleaching products due to the high ash concentration cancels out any orange or yellow pigments in the hair immediately.

Grey Bleaching Powder

Grey Bleaching Powder,  one of the most popular types of bleach powder. Mainly used on stubborn hair that can be difficult to lighten. Hair will become difficult to lighten after having applied dark, permanent dyes to the hair. Often darker hair will go through a few rounds of bleaching before reaching a level 9+. Pigments help to tone out yellow and orange in the hair. Hair Dye Color’s bleaching powder, infused with plex and keratin to prevent breakage and leave the hair smooth.

If you have virgin hair this bleach will give you a 9+ level lift after one round. This makes it an amazing choice for those who want to lighten their natural hair without too much damage. The Plex technology prevents breakage.

Black Bleaching Powder

Made from charcoal to create a brilliant, bright finish. Charcoal is an eco-friendly ingredient with purifying, cleansing and detoxifying properties. Black bleaching powder is elite for instant high lifts for up to 10 levels instantly depending on the natural state of the hair.

You may have even seen teeth whitening products advertised with charcoal to help lighten and whiten teeth. Likewise, charcoal also has a similar effect on the hair when added to professional hair lighteners. It also has a gentle exfoliating effect, helping to remove any build-up from product usage. Capable of stripping away the harsh chemicals used in many commercial hair dyes. Studies have found that activated charcoal can be an effective way to lighten hair without damaging it. Finally, leaving it looking and feeling healthier. Although hydrogen peroxide will increase the damage risk depending on the strength.

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